Winter in the Pines

The Pines… a client told us about this incredible location and we were dying to see what it looked like with snow! Finally, the chance came on a day in late January, which happened to be the coldest and windiest day of the year so far. We packed up the kids, the dog, some hot cocoa and made the trip. Anyone who has kids or is around kids knows everything is a production and an adventure at the same time! If anyone was watching, they probably laughed out loud. Charlynn must have slipped on the ice about a million times. On our hot chocolate break Thea had the drink dripping every where. The dog was trying to lick every drop that hit the ground, while the kids just thought that was the funniest thing ever. All in all despite us freezing our butt off and having no feeling in our fingers we still had a great time. Hope you enjoy seeing our little adventure…